Jointing sheet Temafast has a wide field of applications in all industrial branches at lower parameters.

Jointing sheets Temafast are produced in standard dimensions:
1500 mm x1500 mm, thickness from 0,5 mm to 5,0 mm - ask for price.
Jointing sheet Temafast is the basic version of the board. It is made of organic fibers and bonded with NBR rubber (acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber), which is oil-resistant. This is the main difference between the economic version of the board, i.e. TEMAFAST ECONOMY, which also contains SBR (butadiene-styrene) rubber, which is less resistant to oils.
Jointing sheet Temafast is designed to cut gaskets for low and medium parameters installations with media such as water, gas, oil, alcohol, and basic chemicals. It is used in many industries,