Jointing sheet Temafast has a wide field of applications in all industrial branches at lower parameters.
SeeJointing sheet Temafast has a wide field of applications in all industrial branches at lower parameters.
SeeThe jointing sheet has a wide field of applications in all industrial branches at lower parameters.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets with a wide range of applications at medium operating parameters
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets especially recommended for oil applications
SeeJointing sheet for cutting gaskets especially recommended for oil applications.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets, especially recommended for oil applications.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets for higher steam applications.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets with a wide range of applications at medium operating parameters.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting gaskets for steam applications with lower parameters.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting out expanded graphite gaskets without reinforcement.
SeeThe jointing sheet reinforced with a flat stainless steel insert.
SeeThe expanded graphite jointing sheet, reinforced with a sharply perforated stainless steel insert.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting out gaskets from expanded graphite, reinforced with a flat nickel insert.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting out expanded PTFE gaskets.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting expanded PTFE gaskets with silica filler.
SeeThe jointing sheet for cutting out expanded PTFE gaskets with barium sulphate filler.
SeeSoundproofing and fireproof sheet in accordance with the railway standard PN 45545-2.
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