Reinforced jointing sheet FA Carbo 1000 for cutting gaskets with carbon fibers, perfect for steam.

Jointing sheets Polonit FA Carbo 1000 are produced in standard dimensions:
1500 mm x1500 mm, thickness from 0,4 mm to 5,0 mm - ask for price.
Jointing sheet Polonit FA Carbo 1000 has all the advantages of the FA Carbo plate and is additionally reinforced with a steel mesh, which increases its resistance to pressure and assembly pressures. FA Carbo 1000 board is a composite of carbon fibers and thermally resistant mineral fibers and fillers bonded with NBR rubber (acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber).
Jointing sheet type FA 150 is intended for cutting gaskets working with media such as:
- water
- gases
- hydrocarbons
FA Carbo 1000 is recommended for severe pressure and temperature fluctuations.