Polishing felt wheels made of natural, hard felt.

Polishing felt wheels
Polishing felt wheels made of natural wool fibers,
Polishing felt wheels with a density of 45 g/cm3 and 60 g/cm3 are available in the following form:
- diameters from 30 to 500 mm
- thicknesses from 30 to 80 mm
Polishing felt wheels are discs made of natural felt, without any artificial additives. They are characterized by good abrasion resistance, hardness and flexibility at the same time, which allows the disc to adjust well to the polished surface. Thanks to the special production technology of polishing felt, the discs made of it do not delaminate and do not leave microfiber on the polished surface.
Polishing felt wheels are intended for polishing various types of surfaces, for example:
stainless steel
It is worth knowing that the polishing felt wheels with a density of 45 g / cm3 are dedicated to working with polishing pastes, and the discs with a density of 60 g/cm3 can work / polish dry. Felt polishing wheels should not be used on very soft metals and thin galvanic coatings. Our felt polishing wheels are first-class material. They come in two hardnesses.