Tarpaulin, linen canvas fabric - a group and a mechanically resistant fabric, available in a raw version and with fireproof, waterproof and anti-rot impregnation.


Tarpaulin, linen canvas fabric is a thick and strong fabric, characterized by mechanical resistance to abrasion and tearing. It is made of natural linen fibers.

In order to strengthen the strength parameters of the tarpaulin, admixtures of synthetic fibers are also used. 

Canvas fabrics are raw or, depending on their intended use, with appropriate impregnation. The most commonly used impregnations:

  • WOPG, i.e. waterproof and anti-rot
  • OG, that is fireproof. 


Linen tarpaulin is a very popular fabric, both in everyday life and in industry. It is most often used for the production of:

  • covering materials (tarpaulin), for example, tarpaulins, covers, curtains, covers of workplaces and process lines, etc.

  • special clothing, for example, waterproof jackets and coats, protective aprons and gloves, etc.

  • backpacks and bags (also stylish, in the selected color)

  • tents, camp beds, sanitary stretchers, etc. used, among others in the army (military tarpaulin)

  • compensation connections in ventilation systems 


brezent lniany surowy

Raw linen tarpaulin

: 560 g/m2  +/- 5%
Width: 102 cm

Color: natural

Impregnation: none

Price: ask for the price

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brezent lniany OG ognioodporny

OG linen tarpaulin

: 600 g/m2  +/- 5%
Width: 102 cm

Color: natural

Impregnation: OG (fireproof)

Price: ask for the price

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brezent lniany WOPG wodoodporny i przeciwgnilny
brezent lniany WOPG wodoodporny i przeciwgnilny

WOPG linen tarpaulin

: 580 g/m2  +/- 5%
Width: 102 cm

Color: natural

Impregnation: WOPG (waterproof)

Price: ask for the price

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brezent lniany WOPG wodoodporny i przeciwgnilny KHAKI
brezent lniany WOPG wodoodporny i przeciwgnilny KHAKI

KHAKI linen tarpaulin WOPG

: 580 g/m2  +/- 5%
Width: 102 cm

Color: KHAKI

Impregnation: WOPG (waterproof)

Price: ask for the price

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brezent lniany KHAKI WOPG i OG wodoodporny, przeciwgnilny i ognioodporny
brezent lniany KHAKI WOPG i OG wodoodporny, przeciwgnilny i ognioodporny

KHAKI linen tarpaulin WOPG OG

: 600 g/m2  +/- 5%
Width: 102 cm

Color: KHAKI

Impregnation: WOPG (waterproof) and OG (fireproof)

Price: ask for the price

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